The Talk
The cyber – libertarian ethos protests any encroachment on its assumed freedom from fetters. The world born free strives hard to retain its freedom from Governments, described as the weary giants of flesh and steel . Forcing its way past this resistance is the contra-view, that “Liberty or Freedom” do not mean “an exemption from all restraints, but rather the most effectual applications of every just restraint to all members of a free society whether they be magistrates or subjects” .
The talk would focus on the philosophies driving the online domain and how they shape online behaviour, including the dissociation theory leading to online crimes and the changing demographics of the cybercriminal. It explores existing trends in balancing “net neutrality” with limited regulation.
Finally, the talk throws open the dialogue on efficacy of enforcement, when Nation-States, bound by territoriality face a borderless domain, which leaves the rule of law hanging limp and ineffectual causing a situation of “broken windows in cyberspace” .
N S Nappinai
A pioneer in the field of cyber laws, N S Nappinai, specializes in Constitutional Law, Criminal, Cyber laws,
Intellectual Property Laws, Corporate and Commercial Laws. Ms. Nappinai appears extensively before the Supreme Court of India and the Bombay High Court.
Nappinai is a frequent speaker at International & National Seminars on Cyber Laws & Cyber Security; Visiting Faculty at National Judicial Academy & State Judicial Academies & at IIT, Mumbai & IIMs; Prolific writer with publications inter alia in Times of India & ““.
Ms. Nappinai’s book ‘Technology Laws Decoded’, launched on March 28, 2017, has received tremendous acclaim. She has authored a booklet on “Software Piracy”, for Judicial Training.
She is a Founder – Member Technology Law Forum (a not – for – profit registered Organization)
She has assisted the Law Commission in drafting “The Commercial Division And Commercial Appellate Division Of High Courts And Commercial Courts Bill, 2015”.
She is an advisor to various NGOs particularly in the field of child safety & protection. She was appointed as
Amicus Curiae by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Prajwala V. UOI and also on the Technical Committee appointed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to evaluate means to alleviate the problem of Child
Pornography and rape videos being circulated online.
She was an Expert Member, Tamil Nadu “State Child Policy Committee” – 2015 – 2016 for formulating the State Child Policy. She is on the Advisory Committee of Project HEAL (“Help Eradicate Abuse through Learning”)
& The Foundation Trust – 2016;