The Talk
What does it mean to be a teenager in India?
How dignified and safe is her life?
Does she have access to water and sanitation?
Is she able to go to school or college?
Does she yearn to speak English, use computers?
Is she healthy?
The TAG Survey or the Teen Age Girls Survey has been the first ever attempt to listen to the voice of the teenage girl in India and to get answers to questions like the above.
Conducted by Naandi Foundation, an all-women team of close to 1000 trained surveyors visited a representative sample of 74,000 teenage girls in their homes in over 600 districts across all 30 states of India. Armed with digital tablets, they conducted interviews, took height and weight measurements, checked haemoglobin levels and organized all their findings inrecord time to generate the TAG Report.
Rohini Mukherjee who headed the Survey will talk about the key findings of the TAG Survey.
Rohini Mukherjee, social worker.
Rohini, with a Masters in Social Work from Delhi University, has been active in a range of critical roles within Naandi Foundation over the last 13 years. She heads the 160,000 girls-strong Project Nanhi Kali operations currently, in addition to leading the Policy and Strategy Cell. Two large scale surveys undertaken by Naandi in recent years were led by Rohini. The first was the HUNGaMA (Hunger and Malnutrition) Survey that measured nutrition status of over 100,000 children in 112 districts. The second is the TAG (Teen Age Girls) Survey which went to every state of India to understand what it means to be a teen age girl in India today. Before Naandi, Rohini worked in rural West Bengal for 14 years, as founding member of a grassroots community group. Rohini graduated from St Stephens College.