The Talk
In this 150th year of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, we need to understand the great man, his relevance to today’s problems, and what made him a man the like of which had not ever walked the earth before.
Prof Sudhir Chandra, one of India’s foremost scholars of Gandhi, helped us understand this.
Prof Sudhir Chandra , Historian and Author
Sudhir Chandra is the author of ‘Gandhi: An Impossible Possibility’, and editor of ‘Violence and Non-violence Across Time: Religion, Culture and History’.
He is currently engaged with the question of the possibility of non-violence in today’s world.
His earlier work—a trilogy comprising ‘Dependence and Disillusionment: Emergence of National Consciousness in Later 19th Century India’, ‘Enslaved Daughters: Colonialism, Law and Women’s Rights’, and ‘The Oppressive Present: Literature and Social Consciousness in Colonial India’ explores the consciousness of the English educated in India. He has been associated with various academic institutions in India and abroad.