The Talk
Manthan has been hosting a post budget discussion every year on the very evening of the Budget being announced in the Parliament.The panel analyses and discusses all aspects of the Budget: direct taxes, economic, business, numbers, indirect taxes, and stock market impact. This discussion is headed by a very fine panelists of chartered accountants from Hyderabad namely S Thirumalai, FCA, Ajay Gandhi, FCA, M R Vikram, FCA, C Parthasarathy, FCA.
S Thirumalai, FCA, Ajay Gandhi, FCA, M R Vikram, FCA, C Parthasarathy, FCA
Mr. S. Thirumalai serves as a National Director at Indirect taxation with Deloitte Haskins and Sells and served as its partner. Mr. Thirumalai serves as Senior Advisor to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited. He has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing industry covering all aspects of Finance, Taxation and General Management including 3 years with Reserve Bank of India/Unit Trust of India as an Officer. Mr. Thirumalai has been an Independent & Non-Executive
Mr Ajay Gandhi, is the founder Trustee of Manthan Foundation (, one of India’s premier forums for public discourse. He is Managing Director of Wings Infonet Pvt Ltd ( and Partner of Gandhi & Gandhi ( Ajay lives in Hyderabad.
Mr. Mamidipudi Ravindra Vikram serves as a Partner of M Anandam & Co., Mr. Vikram served as the Treasurer of the Southern India Regional Council (SIRC), Institute of Chartered Accountants of India from 1991 to 1994. Mr. Vikram has conducted Special and Investigation audits to report to the Reserve Bank of India, IDBI, IFCI and ICICI and other premier Financial Institutions in the India and also conducted compliance studies for the RBI’s Forex Reserves. He has over 33
Mr. C. Parthasarathy is the Chairman and Managing Director of the diversified financial services Karvy group. C Parthasarathy (CP as he is better known in the Industry), has the uncanny knack of staying ahead of the curve and the foresight to spot opportunities that seem invisible on the horizon for the others. Karvy’s entire history is a case study of turning adversity into opportunity. CP is a chartered accountant by qualification, whose entrepreneurial energy drove him to co-found Karvy in 1983 with a less-than-modest capital of Rs 150,000.