Would Gandhi Have Succeeded Today? – Christian Bartolf

By October 1, 2009videos page

The Talk

Today’s world is dramatically different from Gandhi’s. Terrorism, extreme divisions in society, capitalism, consumerism, casteism, communalism and more are all widespread. Would Gandhi, with his Gandhian approach, have succeeded? What would he have done in this world? These are interesting issues to consider.

It is never enough to revisit the thoughts and practices of the greatest living being of the last 2000 years.

Mr Christian Bartolf, with his deep study of Gandhi, offers us a refreshing view. It was a great meeting on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti.


PS: The Talk has no video.

Christian Bartolf

Mr Bartolf is the Founder and Director of the Gandhi Information Center Research and Education for Nonviolence, Berlin (Germany)

Born 1960.

Political and Educational Scientist (post-graduate, graduated with two University Diploma 1986 and 1987, Departments for Educational and Political Sciences, Free University Berlin, Germany)

Visits to India (1985, 1998, 2007, 2008, 2009), Israel (1989-1997, 2007), Russia (1991-1995, 2000) and several European countries.

Counsellor for Conscientious Objectors for the Protestant Church in Berlin (Germany) (1991-2006),

Exhibitions on Gandhi, Tolstoy, King, Thoreau, Carl von Ossietzky for the Anti-War-Museum and the Gandhi Information Center in Berlin (2007-2009)

Editor of: “Mein Gewissen sagt nein. Ausgewaehlte Begruendungen von Kriegsdienstverweigerern” (My Conscience says no. Selected arguments of conscientious objectors); Berlin 1996 (Wichern-Vlg., Berlin; ISBN 3-88981-090-X)

Contributions to International Conferences on Conscientious

Objection and Civilian Peace Services in: Belgium (1991), France (1992), Turkey (1993), Russia (1994), Greece (1995), Belarus (1995), Belgium (1996), Italy (1997).

Contributions to International Conferences on Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi:

“Tolstoy and Ecology” (Tolstoy Society Moscow, Institute for Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) 1994,

“East-West: A Dialogue between Civilizations” (Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow, Russia) 1995,

“Gandhi and the Twentyfirst Century” (Gandhi Peace Foundation,

Gujarat Vidyapith, Institute of Gandhian Studies, Delhi/Wardha, India) 1998,

“Tolstoy and World Literature” (Leo Tolstoy Estate Museum, Yasnaya Polyana, Russia) 2000,

“Nuclear Weapons and Nonviolence” (Danish Peace Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark) 2004,

“War Tax – Responsibility – Peace Tax”, 11th International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns (Conscience and Peace Tax International, Woltersdorf, Germany) 2006,

“Peace, Non-Violence and Empowerment – Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century” (Mahatma Gandhi Satyagraha Centenary Commemoration, New Delhi, India) 2007,

“New Horizons of Human Development: Art, Spirituality and Social Transformations” (Indian Business Academy, Greater Noida (U.P.), India) 2008

Founder and Director of the Gandhi Information Center Research and Education for Nonviolence, P. O. Box (Postfach) 210109, 10501 Berlin (Germany)

Gandhi Information Center


Manifesto against conscription and the military system



Publications in English language:

  1. a) Books:


Tolstoy and Gandhi (Non-violent Resistance) (on the occasion of Gandhiji’s 125th birthday); Berlin 1994 (Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum , Berlin ; ISBN 3-930093-07-3) 1997:

Hermann Kallenbach – Mahatma Gandhi’s friend in South Africa (co-author: Isa Sarid); Berlin 1997 (Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum, Berlin; ISBN 3-930093-13-8) Letter to a Hindoo – Taraknath Das, Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi; Berlin 1997 (Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum, Berlin; ISBN 3-930093-12-X)

2000: The Breath of my Life: the correspondence of Mahatma Gandhi (India) and Bart de Ligt (Holland) on War and Peace; Berlin 2000 (Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum , Berlin ; ISBN 3-930093-15-4) 2001:

Manifesto against conscription and the military system; Berlin 2001 (Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum , Berlin ; ISBN 3-930093-16-2)

  1. b) Essays:

1997: Tolstoy and Gandhi; in: Gandhi and the Contemporary World. Essays to mark the 125th Anniversary of His Birth (ed. by Antony Copley and George Paxton); Chennai, India 1997, pp. 196-204 (Indo-British Historical Society, Chennai, India; ISBN 819-000-68-19)

1999: Review Article: “Swadeshi – der Unabhaengigkeitsgedanke in Gandhis Wirtschaftskonzept” (Dr. Kirsten Sames), in: Internationales Asienforum/International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 3-4/1999 (November), vol. 30, pp. 401-403 (ISSN 0020-9449) (Review in English language)

Manifesto of Non-Violence: Tolstoy, Gandhi & Responsibility of Intellectuals, in: The International Journal of Humanities and Peace (IJHP), Flagstaff ( Arizona , USA ) 1999, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 76-79 (ISSN 1042-4032) (Article in English language) 2000:

Tolstoy’s Legacy for Mankind: A Manifesto for Nonviolence http://www.fredsakademiet.dk/library/tolstoj/tolstoy.htm (part 1)

http://www.fredsakademiet.dk/library/tolstoj/tolstoy2.htm (part 2) 2003:

Review Article: “Non-Violence and its Philosophy” (Dr. Ravindra Kumar) in: Global Peace. An International Journal of Philosophy, Peace, Education, Culture and Civilization”, Meerut/India, June 2003, vol. 2, no. 4, p.2 (Review in English language)


Tolstoy and Gandhi and their Legacy Today


Tolstoy and Gandhi and their Legacy Today. in: Global Peace. An International Journal of Philosophy, Peace, Education, Culture and Civilization, Meerut/India, September 2004, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 20-22

Editorial, in: Global Peace. An International Journal of Philosophy, Peace, Education, Culture and Civilization, Meerut/India, December 2004, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1f. 2006:

Tolstoy and Gandhi and their Legacy Today. in: Ravindra Kumar (ed.): Mahatma Gandhi in the beginning of 21st Century, New Delhi 2006, pp. 133-137 2007:

Declaration adopted at the International Conference on “Peace, Nonviolence and Empowerment – Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century”, 29-30 January 2007, New Delhi, in: Gandhi Prasang (A Journal published by Basant Behari Jairani Shanti Adhyayan Sansthan, Allahabad, India, 2 October 2007, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.49-52) 2009:

Transforming Power and Freedom: From Voluntary Servitude to Non-Violent Resistance, in Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.): The Modern Prince And The Modern Sage. Transforming Power and Freedom, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 464-470

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